Our Team

Nicolas Ramsrud

Chief Executive Officer
Ex-COO at Argument Computer Corp., co-founder of ZK startup Wrinqle, founder of blockchain engineering company Subtraqt Labs, former director-level engineering manager with 10 years at Boeing

Chhi’mèd Künzang

Chief Technology Officer

Ex-Chief Scientist at Argument Computer Corp. Inventor of Lurk, the ZK programming language and zkVM stack, led the largest ZK proof deployment worldwide at Filecoin.

Gustavo Caparica

Head of Engineering
Ex-Lead Engineer at Argument Computer Corp., co-founder of ZK startup Wrinqle, with 5 years blockchain engineering experience.
Previously Meta

Winston Zhang

Software Engineer

Ex-Software Engineer at Argument Computer Corp.
Previously OpenAI

Our Advisors

Colin Evran

Colin Evran led Ecosystem Growth at Protocol Labs, where he steered the launch of the Filecoin protocol and led the growth of the Filecoin, IPFS and libp2p Ecosystems. Colin is a Board member, investor and advisor to a wide range of Web3 startups, helping them scale their teams and grow their Ecosystems.

Prior to joining Protocol Labs, Evran was the Founder & CEO of Yard Club, a platform for the construction equipment industry that was acquired by Caterpillar in 2017. Evran began his career as a consultant at McKinsey & Company, an investor at Bain Capital, and holds an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business.